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Interface ILinkPreviewOptions

Describes the options used for link preview generation.


  • ILinkPreviewOptions



is_disabled: boolean

Optional. True, if the link preview is disabled

prefer_large_media: boolean

Optional. True, if the media in the link preview is supposed to be enlarged; ignored if the URL isn't explicitly specified or media size change isn't supported for the preview

prefer_small_media: boolean

Optional. True, if the media in the link preview is supposed to be shrunk; ignored if the URL isn't explicitly specified or media size change isn't supported for the preview

show_above_text: boolean

Optional. True, if the link preview must be shown above the message text; otherwise, the link preview will be shown below the message text

url: string

Optional. URL to use for the link preview. If empty, then the first URL found in the message text will be used

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