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Fast and Flexible Telegram Bot API Framework for Node.js written in TypeScript.


  • Full Telegram Bot API 5.7 support
  • Object-oriented
  • Full types support
  • Asynchronous
  • Speedy and efficient
  • Beginner friendly


npm i teletron-ts



import * as telegram from "teletron-ts";

import { TelegramAPI } from "teletron-ts"; // Individual classes


const telegram = require("teletron-ts");

const { TelegramAPI } = require("teletron-ts"); // Individual classes

Getting started

import { TelegramAPI } from "teletron-ts";

const telegram = new TelegramAPI("token"); // bot token api

// listen for the message event

telegram.onMessage(async (message) => {
if (message.text === "Hi bot!")
await telegram.sendMessage(message.chat.id, "Hi there, human!"); // sendMessage will return an instance of IMessage

// OR

telegram.on("message", async (message) => {
if (message.text === "Hi bot!")
await telegram.sendMessage(message.chat.id, "Hi there, human!"); // sendMessage will return an instance of IMessage

// fetch new updates from the api

Telegram Events

Events you can listen to usign teletron-ts:

  • message
  • edited_message
  • edited_channel_post
  • channel_post
  • inline_query
  • chosen_inline_result
  • callback_query
  • shipping_query
  • poll
  • poll_answer
  • chat_join_request

Please note that both inline_query and chosen_inline_result only work if you enabled this option by sending /setinline to @BotFather

For more information regarding inline queries visit the telegram docs here


Sending Files

There are 3 ways to send files. You can use the file id of a file that already exist on telegram servers, provide an HTTP URL to the file which then will be downloaded by telegram servers or upload a local file. Lets assume we want to send a photo via the bot:

import { TelegramAPI } from "teletron-ts";

const telegram = new TelegramAPI("token"); // bot token

telegram.on("message", async (message) => {
// First Method: Using an already existing file_id of a file that has been previously uploaded on telegram
await telegram.sendPhoto(

// Second Method: Using an HTTP photo url
await telegram.sendPhoto(

// Thrid Method: Using a local file
await telegram.sendPhoto(message.chat.id, { file: "./anime.jpg" });

// fetch updates from the api

Inline Keyboards

Inline keyboards are buttons that will be sent along with the message. These become especially useful if you want to wait for user input to perform certain action!

import { TelegramAPI } from "teletron-ts";
import { IInlineKeyboardMarkup } from "teletron-ts";

const telegram = new TelegramAPI("token");

telegram.on("message", async (m) => {
const inlineKeyboards: IInlineKeyboardMarkup = {
inline_keyboard: [
{ text: "Very Good!", callback_data: "vgood" },
{ text: "Fine", callback_data: "fine" },
[{ text: "Amazing", callback_data: "amazing" }],

await telegram.sendMessage(
"Hey there, how are you feeling today?",
reply_markup: JSON.stringify(inlineKeyboards),

telegram.on("callback_query", async (query) => {
if (query.data && query.data === "vgood")
return await telegram.sendMessage(
"I am feeling very good today too!"


Software contributions are welcome. If you are not a dev, testing and reproting bugs can also be very helpful!


Please open an issue if you have questions, wish to request a feature, etc.

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